Product Description
LTI Water Enhancement Technology (LTIWET) is the technology that changes the structure of water thereby providing significant benefits to many living creatures on the globe. LTIWET can be applied to any type of water including city water, groundwater, river and lake water, and even seawater. And LTIWET can get well along with any other water technology. LTIWET simply requires a stainless tube and specific ceramic beads (“ LTI Ceramic Beads). LTI Ceramic Beads need to agitate (collide with each other) constantly at a fixed rate of speed in the tube. This simple action could cause significant benefits in a variety of applications.
The following is an abridged pictorial explanation of LTIWET:
The basics concerning our technology are our proprietary quartz-like ceramic beads and engineering which are used to create a process that positively charges water thereby changing the water’s molecular structure and releasing the water’s hydrogen atoms. This alteration of the water molecules provides many benefits including reduced surface tension of the water enabling our converted water to easily enter the cells of humans, plants, and animals.
•Water molecules are made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, with each molecule containing 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen. Untreated Water [H2O] holds a negative (-)
charge. (see Figure 1 on the next page)
•LTI’s Ceramic Beads are negatively charged. A layer of negatively charged anions (-) forms on the beads’ surface area. (see Figure 2 on the next page)
Applications Areas
- Industrial
- Agriculture
- Livestock
- Polluted Water
- Remediation
- Medical Industry
- Commercial
- Vessel
- Pool & Spa
- Home
- Food Industry
GA-23, Rajdanga Main Road
Ground Floor, Narkelbagan, EKT,
Kolkata - 700107